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Introducing the Polymer Project Roadmap and Repo

We're excited to open up the project's near-term roadmap. The roadmap is available in new repo - Polymer/project - to help enable project-level discussion and collaboration.

We've been seeing exponential Polymer adoption since the Polymer 1.0 release and the Polymer Summit, and couldn't be more excited about where the project is headed.

We're working hard to better communicate the core team's goals and roadmap. Today we're excited to announce a new repository - Polymer/project - where we'll keep all meta-information about the project itself. This includes a Roadmap, Code of Conduct, and Contributing Guide.

We decided on a repository rather than Wiki primarily to open up broader discussion about the project structure and direction. The Polymer project consists of many different repos, of which Polymer/polymer is only a small part. It can sometimes be hard to know where on Github these kinds of collaborative, project-level discussions can take place.

The new Polymer/project repository should make this much clearer. If you have project-level questions, concerns, ideas, or issues, please file them as issues on the new Project repo.

The Polymer/project repo will be a living document, and continue to evolve - so feel free to star the repo to follow changes as they happen. And like any of the Polymer project repos - PR's welcome!